show stpd ports

show {stpd} stpd_name ports {[detail | port_list {detail}]}


Displays the STP state of a port.

Syntax Description

stpd_name Specifies an STPD name.
port_list Specifies one or more ports or slots and ports.
detail Specifies more detailed information about one or more ports of the STPD.



Usage Guidelines

This command displays the following:
  • STPD port configuration.

  • STPD port encapsulation mode.

  • STPD path cost.

  • STPD priority.

  • STPD state (root bridge, and so on).

  • Port role (root designated, alternate and so on).

  • STPD port state (forwarding, blocking, and so on).

  • Configured port link type.

  • Operational port link type.

  • Edge port settings (inconsistent behavior, edge safeguard setting).

  • Restricted role (enabled, disabled).

  • MSTP port role (internal or boundary).

  • Active port role.

To display more detailed information for one or more ports in the specified STPD, including participating VLANs, specify the detail option.

If you have MSTP configured and specify the detail option, this command displays additional information:
  • MSTP internal path cost.

  • MSTP timers.

If your STPD has the same name as another component, for example a VLAN, Extreme Networks recommends that you specify the identifying keyword as well as the name. If you do not specify the stpd keyword, an error message similar to the following is displayed:

%% Ambiguous command: "show Test ports"

In this example, to view all of the port settings of STPD Test, enter show stpd Test ports.

If your STPD has a name unique only to that STPD, the keyword stpd is optional.


The following command displays the state of ports 1, 2, and 4 on an STPD named s1:

show stpd s1 ports

The following is sample output from this command:

Port   Mode   State      Cost  Flags     Priority Port ID Designated Bridge
1      EMISTP DISABLED   200000 e?pp-w---t 128      8001    00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
2      EMISTP DISABLED   200000 e?pp-w---- 128      8002    00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
4      EMISTP DISABLED   200000 e?pp-w---- 128      8004    00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
Total Ports: 3
------------------------- Flags: ----------------------------
1:                e=Enable, d=Disable
2: (Port role)    R=Root, D=Designated, A=Alternate, B=Backup, M=Master
3: (Config type)  b=broadcast, p=point-to-point, e=edge, a=auto
4: (Oper. type)   b=broadcast, p=point-to-point, e=edge
5:                p=proposing, a=agree
6: (partner mode) d = 802.1d, w = 802.1w, m = mstp
7:                i = edgeport inconsistency
8:                S = edgeport safe guard active
s = edgeport safe guard configured but inactive
8:                G = edgeport safe guard bpdu restrict active in 802.1w and mstp
g = edgeport safe guard bpdu restrict active in 802.1d
9:                B = Boundary, I = Internal
10:               r = Restricted Role, t = active Role

The following command displays the detailed information for port 2 in STPD s0:

show stpd s0 ports 2 detail

The following is sample output from this command:

show stpd s0 ports 2 detail
Stpd: s0        Port: 2 PortId: 8002    Stp: ENABLED    Path Cost: 4
Port Mode         : 802.1D              Port Role          : ----
Port State        : FORWARDING          Topology Change Ack: FALSE
Port Priority     : 16
Designated Root   : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00     Designated Cost: 0
Designated Bridge : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00     Designated Port Id: 0
Partner STP version     : Dot1d
Restricted Role         : Disabled
Active Role             : Disabled
Edge Port Safe Guard    : Disabled
BPDU Restrict           : Disabled
Restricted TCN          : Off
Loop Protect            : Off
Loop Protect Partner    : Incapable
Operational Edge        : FALSE
Auto Edge               : On
Reflection BPDU         : On
Participating Vlans: Default

The following is sample output from this command:

Port   Mode   State      Cost  Flags     Priority Port ID Designated Bridge
9      EMISTP FORWARDING 20000 eDeepw-G-- 128      8009    80:00:00:04:96:1f:a8:48
Total Ports: 1
------------------------- Flags: ----------------------------
1:                e=Enable, d=Disable
2: (Port role)    R=Root, D=Designated, A=Alternate, B=Backup, M=Master
3: (Config type)  b=broadcast, p=point-to-point, e=edge, a=auto
4: (Oper. type)   b=broadcast, p=point-to-point, e=edge
5:                p=proposing, a=agree
6: (partner mode) d = 802.1d, w = 802.1w, m = mstp
7:                i = edgeport inconsistency
8:                S = edgeport safe guard active
s = edgeport safe guard configured but inactive
G = edgeport safe guard bpdu restrict active
g = edgeport safe guard bpdu restrict configured but inactive only dot1w, mstp
9:                B = Boundary, I = Internal
10:               r = Restricted Role, t = active role


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

Information about MSTP was added in ExtremeXOS 11.4.

Information about BPDU Restrict was added in ExtremeXOS 12.4.

Information about active role was added in ExtremeXOS 12.5.

Information about reflection BPDU status was added in ExtremeXOS 22.6.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, and X695 series switches.